LD Expert

The comprehensive solution for permanently solving dyslexia, auditory processing, learning disabilities, and attention challenges.

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Sunday May 29, 2022

What you'll learn in this episode:
Where the conventional parenting of rewards and consequences falls short
5 areas of lagging skills that could trigger challenging behaviors
An introduction to a new way of approaching challenging behaviors, Collaborative Problem Solving
More resources from this episode available here: 

Sunday May 15, 2022

In this Bonus Q&A:
Any help for when children are really distracted and need additional help with their learning?
The short answer is to get curious and creative. Find what piques the child’s interest so you can make the material more appealing and exciting, like introducing play. 
Tune in to the Bonus Q&A for a more detailed explanation.

Sunday May 15, 2022

You'll learn about the importance of the body-brain connection in behavior and how it affects learning:
The biology beneath the behavior
How to spot the signs that your child’s behavior is really due to stress
Why play is critical to your child's learning

Sunday May 08, 2022

These questions, and more, answered in the Bonus Q&A:
Are there things that parents of toddlers and young children should be doing to help integrate reflexes?
What’s the timeframe for seeing results with QRI?
When should these reflexes start to integrate?
Is it too late for a 10 year old to get help with retained reflexes?

Sunday May 08, 2022

What you'll learn in this episode:
What it looks like when primitive reflexes are retained
Reasons why reflexes don't integrate
How retained reflexes impact learning
How to integrate retained primitive reflexes with Core Learning Skills Training
More resources from this episode available here:https://stowellcenter.com/2022/05/13/retained-reflexes-impact/See the entire series here: Core Learning Skills - Series 1

Sunday May 08, 2022

What you'll learn in this episode:
Makayla Caliendo talks about her experience growing up with ADD
What helped create a significant shift in her ability to cope with ADD
Tips about what she has done to help her to focus in school
Advice for how parents and teachers can help their student with ADD.
More resources from this episode available here:https://stowellcenter.com/2022/05/12/living-thriving-add/See the entire series here: Core Learning Skills - Series 1

Sunday May 08, 2022

These questions, and more, answered in the Bonus Q&A:
What are some good questions to ask when you are getting an evaluation for ADHD or Autism?
When is the best age to evaluate a child?
I’m trying to tell the doctor about my daughter’s whole story, but the doctors are not listening. What do I need to say to the doctors and school to test her so she can try?
Why is it so difficult to get a diagnosis? As a mom, I had to do my own research for all of my kids and that takes a long time since I’m not the expert.
What to do if your daughter is incorrectly diagnosed?

Sunday May 08, 2022

What you'll learn in this episode:
Why Autism and ADHD are often missed, especially in girls
The impact of late or missed diagnoses
Signs that your young adult may need some help
3 subtypes of ADHD
More resources from this episode available here: https://stowellcenter.com/2022/05/05/autism-adhd-missed/
See the entire series here: Core Learning Skills - Series 1

Sunday Apr 03, 2022

Questions that are answered in this episode:
I have provided my daughter with a planner, but she does not use it. How can I encourage her to use it?
My daughter is a senior in high school, and she shuts down questions. What can I do?
How do I find out what executive function issues my kids or myself are challenged with?
More resources from this episode available here: https://stowellcenter.com/2022/04/02/sustain-ef/See the entire series here: Executive Function - Series 1

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